Are We There Yet?

Are we there yet? In a simple sorrowful response, “No.” “Together” is a dream, “Oneness” and unity are concepts in a nation deeply divided and looking for its collective conscience. Where is that to be found in the midnight of America? This America questions the validity of a life clothed in a darker hue, the … Continue reading

Rising above Oppression upon the Air we Breathe

Because of the heat, the supercell storm gives the American eagle rise. Left in the aftermath are social and health conditions that have left some too heavy for the flight.

“We’re Better Than That!”

Don’t mistake this writing as an indictment of one person, but more of an open assessment of America. Those old ghosts of the past hidden under white hoods had found new homes under the rooftops of exurban homes, the cornfields of rural America, churches clothed in Norman Rockwell’s America, and in the xenophobic fear of “the others.”

Deja Vu (Been Here before)

America is approaching a significant fork in the road. The old saying says, “we have been down this road before.” In the past, a political chorus of rhetorical discourse veiled through the musings of political maneuvers. From George Wallace, Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, Bill Clinton to the present, both sides of the aisle echoed a … Continue reading

Building The Bridge Together

At the top of the February 18th International News Headlines The Pope has weighed in on the Donald and his bombastic (defined as: high sounding but with little meaning, inflated) rhetoric. The Pontiff said: “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is … Continue reading

Pierced to the Heart

Freedom of religion should never be compromised because the sword of fear and overreaction can cut two ways.

Every Generation

“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” ― George Orwell Steven Colbert called it truthiness: “the tendency to accept propositions that one wishes to be true as true, ignoring the usual verification standards for facts.” The “Truthiness” of millennials, a … Continue reading


Does Anything ever really touch? Can we really ever feel one anothers pain and can we truly let go enough to invest in each others struggles. In actuality, as proven by quantum physics on the subatomic level; two objects can never meet or touch. This is due to  electrons in opposing atoms resisting one another. Their … Continue reading

While Asleep

One night, when everyone was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. Mathew 13:25 Good News Translation (GNT) While asleep, have our voices become silent to the cries of the Disenfranchised. Are we too mesmerized by the voices of hyperbole? Do we understand the real realities of Americans who … Continue reading

The Modulus of Elasticity

The California Highway Patrol says that it is investigating footage posted on YouTube that shows a policeman repeatedly punching the face and head of a prostrate woman. Video shows him straddling the woman and hitting her at least 11 times. Police say that the woman needed to be restrained and was endangering herself and motorists … Continue reading