Soliloquy Two, Racism: Unmasked in America

What is in a mask? Whose face is in the mask, and whose is not? Last week the discussion of symbols was front and center. The leading sentiment speaks of how monoliths communicate the unspoken. When revealed, we discover the actual thoughts and intents displayed.  Scripture reminds us that there is an innermost being; our … Continue reading

Confluence of Crisis

The founding fathers wrote an essential document in early July of 1776; it was called the Declaration of Independence. Some call it one of the most significant compositions in history. In irony, folklore suggests a slave handed the pen used for signatures to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. To let it be known, … Continue reading

Leading The Conversation – Accord1

Remember the horror from which we come. Never forget the greatness of a nation that has overcome its division. Let us never descend into destructive divisiveness – Nelson Mandela On June 9th 2014 in Las Vegas, two persons fatally shot two unsuspecting Police officers along with a third innocent victim before turning the Guns on … Continue reading

To Kill a Mockingbird: Enough is Enough Revisited

“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.” – Attitcus Finch, Chapter 11, To Kill a Mockingbird There was a young multi-ethnic man in his early 30s of Afro/Asiatic heritage who was slain by a mob of European reactionaries. He was unarmed, had a spotless reputation and cared for others. He was purportedly … Continue reading