The Day That Changed the World

“A year ago today, I witnessed a murder. The victim’s name was George Floyd. Although this wasn’t the first time I’ve seen a Black man get killed at the hands of the police, this is the first time I witnessed it happen in front of me…” “It changed me. I changed how I viewed life. … Continue reading

Soliloquy Two, Racism: Unmasked in America

What is in a mask? Whose face is in the mask, and whose is not? Last week the discussion of symbols was front and center. The leading sentiment speaks of how monoliths communicate the unspoken. When revealed, we discover the actual thoughts and intents displayed.  Scripture reminds us that there is an innermost being; our … Continue reading


Why is the sky blue? Why does snow melt? Why do people die? Why is that man sleeping on the street? Why can’t I have ice cream? Why do I have to go to bed? -Lois Holzman, Ph.D. Our Children ask us these endless questions that we more times than not, have no absolute answers to. In … Continue reading

Leading The Conversation – Accord1

Remember the horror from which we come. Never forget the greatness of a nation that has overcome its division. Let us never descend into destructive divisiveness – Nelson Mandela On June 9th 2014 in Las Vegas, two persons fatally shot two unsuspecting Police officers along with a third innocent victim before turning the Guns on … Continue reading

Race, Thoughts, Voices, Attitudes: The Conversation Continues- Accord1

“The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken.” Audre Lorde


Prepare a holy anointing oil, blending them like a skilled perfume maker ( The Art of the Apothecary KJV) to produce the holy anointing oil.” Exodus 30:25 Common English Bible (CEB) The Perfume Maker’s admixture is inclusive of the many ethnicities of which we Americans identify; be it native American, Anglo, African American, Asian, Latino, … Continue reading

The Art of Noise Part III: The Craft

< “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” Sir Walter Scott, 1808 In this season of late October the phrase “Trick or Treat” abounds from costume clad children and adults nationwide. Illusions are the characteristic of this season of celebration of pranks, tricks and darkness of the Craft. In … Continue reading


” Honesty is such a lonely word everyone is so untrue, Honesty  is hardly ever heard, And mostly what I need from you.” Billy Joel This is a indictment against our society. In this day in which communication is so advanced and readily available, the potency of our spoken and written words along with the variety … Continue reading

Who’s driving the Bus and who’s under it?

In recent days sports and its dealings with cultural issues is driving the Bus (debate) on sensitivity. One such debate that has landed on the The Ohio State University, President E. Gordon Gee, who retired yesterday after serving as president of the university from 1990- 1997 and recently from 2007-2013. In December 2012 during an update on … Continue reading

Anthology 2013 A Spanish Lullaby Part III

“In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together;  the leopard will lie down with the baby goat.The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion,and a little child will lead them all”.    Elizabeth Conde-Frazier wrote this widely acclaimed book (Listen to the Children-Conversations with Immigrant Families)  which brings the hard realities and … Continue reading