Rising above Oppression upon the Air we Breathe

Because of the heat, the supercell storm gives the American eagle rise. Left in the aftermath are social and health conditions that have left some too heavy for the flight.

Leading The Conversation – Accord1

Remember the horror from which we come. Never forget the greatness of a nation that has overcome its division. Let us never descend into destructive divisiveness – Nelson Mandela On June 9th 2014 in Las Vegas, two persons fatally shot two unsuspecting Police officers along with a third innocent victim before turning the Guns on … Continue reading

For Whom the Belle Tolls

 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;and what doth the Lord require of thee,but to do justly, and to love mercy,and to walk humbly with thy God? Mic 6:88 (KJV) True liberty can exist only when justice is equally administered to all.  Lord Mansfield “Belle” The movie was based on a true and riveting story about a … Continue reading

Imago Dei II: Freedom, Virtue and Relationship

Originally posted on accord1:
“But we are not mere animals. Made in the image of God, our capacities for reason and virtue are also obligations to put them to use. We must be honest people who keep our word, engage with one another and meet the needs of those around us. That’s the only kind…

Won’t you be My Neighbor?

“What do you think? Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?”“The one who treated him kindly,” the religion scholar responded. Jesus said, “Go and do the same Luke 10:25-37 The Message (MSG) The Jews typically interpreted “neighbor,” meaning “one who is near,” in terms of members of the same … Continue reading

Identity Thief

On an average winter day, or so it may seem. A baby in an airliner of an average fight, or so it may the seem, is not afforded the freedom make a fuss, as toddlers often do. Two year old  Jonah Bennett was struck across the face and defamed by a racial slur by Joe … Continue reading