
In the 1980s, the Central Park Five, were a group of black teenagers falsely convicted in the rape of a white woman jogging in Central Park. In the 1990s, young black males were called “Super Predators.” In 2020 U.S. life expectancy fell. For Black Men, life expectancy fell the most, by nearly three years. Black … Continue reading

What’s in a Name?

I am pleased to announce a new concept set to debut by the end of the first quarter of 2021. It is a stand-alone small Magazine named Three-Fifths. Why the name “Three-Fifths?” The inspiration for the concept of three-fifths was spurned by a series of articles in the Accord1 Blog. The articles identify the constitutional … Continue reading

America on Fire II, Breaking the Chain Reaction

A look up reveals a mysterious haze of the ordinarily clear blue early Autumn sky. The fires of western states expand a canopy of smoke over the nation. America is literally on fire, as the pathways of history blur in the face of an uncertain future fueled by an uncompleted past. Climate change and pestilence … Continue reading

Rising above Oppression upon the Air we Breathe

Because of the heat, the supercell storm gives the American eagle rise. Left in the aftermath are social and health conditions that have left some too heavy for the flight.

Soliloquy of Racism in America

The cross is excepted as a symbol of peace and reconciliation, regardless of one’s level of belief in it. It personifies the language of love. The Eagle is a symbol that identifies America. America exists as a grand experiment forged out of abstract thought in a quest for a more perfect union.

Deja Vu (Been Here before)

America is approaching a significant fork in the road. The old saying says, “we have been down this road before.” In the past, a political chorus of rhetorical discourse veiled through the musings of political maneuvers. From George Wallace, Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, Bill Clinton to the present, both sides of the aisle echoed a … Continue reading

SERENDIPITY (Policing Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow )

The city of Minneapolis Minnesota, is now considering replacing the currently standardized police Department model with something new. Some would ask, “have the so-called radical voices of the Left” prevailed in one of America’s major cities?” Many have echoed the need for C-change of how to break the never-ending cycle of police violence against the … Continue reading