The Modulus of Elasticity

The California Highway Patrol says that it is investigating footage posted on YouTube that shows a policeman repeatedly punching the face and head of a prostrate woman. Video shows him straddling the woman and hitting her at least 11 times. Police say that the woman needed to be restrained and was endangering herself and motorists … Continue reading

Race, Thoughts, Voices, Attitudes: The Conversation Continues- Accord1

“The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there are so many silences to be broken.” Audre Lorde

The Fierce Urgency of Now: Is There Not A Cause? Part1

“If we are not vigilant; politics, ideologies and philosophies become our idols of worship.  This becomes the perfect place to slip into racism and do it under the cover of Just plain Politics. The saying that “all is fair in Love and Politics” becomes true to the detriment of race relations. Love can never be compared to political Ideology.” … Continue reading

Connecting The Dots

In a world of interrelated communities, communication and the structures that make up our society, it is imperative to bridge the various fractured ethnocultural  social networks that exist? Agreement is the adhesive agent. However, agreement doesn’t mean that the participants must agree on all matters. As a nation we agree that  All Men are created equal. As Christ followers we … Continue reading


There are so many memories, impressions, experiences and recollections that inundate our culture. So much so, that it is hard to discern what is real and what is culturally preprogrammed bias.  As we view negativity in the 21st century, we find a well-established root of bitterness on all sides of the ethnic/cultural divide. These bitter … Continue reading