“We’re Better Than That!”

Don’t mistake this writing as an indictment of one person, but more of an open assessment of America. Those old ghosts of the past hidden under white hoods had found new homes under the rooftops of exurban homes, the cornfields of rural America, churches clothed in Norman Rockwell’s America, and in the xenophobic fear of “the others.”

Deja Vu (Been Here before)

America is approaching a significant fork in the road. The old saying says, “we have been down this road before.” In the past, a political chorus of rhetorical discourse veiled through the musings of political maneuvers. From George Wallace, Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, Bill Clinton to the present, both sides of the aisle echoed a … Continue reading

A Nation Divided?

  In a nation divided among imaginary lines of Ideology, class, gender, ethnicity, skin color, etc., the temptation exists to run away with any one of the many sound bites. These sound bites outline a season of politics that stands as nothing more than a dog and pony show to see who can win the … Continue reading

Just an Illusion Part 1: Heaven is Reality

  In a 1995 song by Anointed; the words delicately yet deliberately say “Life is a Dream and Heaven is Reality, i’m caught in between. Though this world has everything it’s nothing more than a dream.”   Are we living the dream or is what where living just an illusion? We must ask this question to give … Continue reading

Who is an American Part III: People of the Corn

Bridging the silos of a diverse cultural landscape: Milwaukee, Wisconsin: another city in the heart of the Midwest in the middle of the corn belt and the Amber Waves of Grain. This highly ordinary city of the American heartland may define the undercurrent infecting the consensus of our nation.  To the South of Milwaukee between the … Continue reading

We were like those who dreamed

The American dream is much more than a dream of a dedicated landmass. It is an experiment, granted by our creator, based on an ideal that is deeply rooted in the unalienable birthrights of all men and women. In our nation of laws, however, a moral paradox exists concerning our dealings with the immigration dilemma. … Continue reading

Living the Dream

There was a discovery channel documentary on the other day, showing the mission of the assault on Osama Ben Laden’s Compound. This involved months of preparation and was a very detailed as well as being a highly technological assignment that the navy seals carried out. This viewing brought about a great sense of awe. The awe … Continue reading