“We’re Better Than That!”

Don’t mistake this writing as an indictment of one person, but more of an open assessment of America. Those old ghosts of the past hidden under white hoods had found new homes under the rooftops of exurban homes, the cornfields of rural America, churches clothed in Norman Rockwell’s America, and in the xenophobic fear of “the others.”

To Kill a Mockingbird: Enough is Enough Revisited

“The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.” – Attitcus Finch, Chapter 11, To Kill a Mockingbird There was a young multi-ethnic man in his early 30s of Afro/Asiatic heritage who was slain by a mob of European reactionaries. He was unarmed, had a spotless reputation and cared for others. He was purportedly … Continue reading