Done Dying, Not To Be A Hidden Figure II

Going on record, Accord1 is pro-vaccine. Accord1 is nonpartisan. Vaccination is not a political issue; it is a health issue, and we are pro-health, especially in the face of so many historic racial health care disparities. In past posts, we have brought to the forefront former well-documented injustices, such as the Tuskegee experiment, the Henrietta Lacks … Continue reading

An American Tragedy

“If they had died of COVID-19 at the same actual rate as White Americans, about 21,200 Black, 10,000 Latino, 1,000 Indigenous, and 70 Pacific Islander Americans would still be alive. THE COLOR OF CORONAVIRUS: COVID-19 DEATHS BY RACE AND ETHNICITY IN THE U.S. by APM RESEARCH LAB STAFF | Nov. 12, 2020.” The life of … Continue reading