These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on

This period is a crucial moment for America to see just what kind of nation it will be. We have banded together in all of the past tests of American Vigor such as World War One, World War Two, the Great Depression, and 911. Beyond its imperfections, the U.S. has held firm in the face of adversity. Thomas Pain wrote, “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” 

The whole concept of a patriot has been scuddled amid 21st-century partisanship. The old enemies were some external force that would galvanize American resolve around a common bond of freedom, liberty, and justice. Now a patriot is someone who will ascribe to a particular political or social ideology. Every other person outside of this philosophy is a treasonist trader. 

Throw Racial tension into the witch’s brew of a predicament leaves one breathless at the prospects of a future. Doubtful are those prospects not only for the next generation but for the nation as a whole. Did the pandemic finally break America? Did more people of color voting in 2020 finally break America? Did the coloring of America and the doomsday clock, which is set to reach midnight for white supremacy in 2045, break America? Did a simple facial covering and a vaccine finally break America?

Scholars and historians will have to survey the aftereffects of a democracy gone wrong to discover where America veered off course.

Tomorrow Three-Fifths Magazine offers a look at where America stands now as a country navigating the valley of decision. This month’s theme is This is what white supremacy looks like. The pictorial is not blaming everything on white supremacy. However, it must be noted that sleeping with the enemy of this darkness while claiming to be a beacon of light in this world would eventually unravel. It was only a matter of time. Destiny was bound to come back and haunt the very foundations of a dream that has morphed into a nightmarish dirge of division, disdain, and death.

Gaze into the mirror of Three-Fifths Magazine Tomorrow at noon eastern and see who America is. As a Voice of Clarity, the August issue encourages us not to engage in some false mid-twentieth-century relegated notion of “Making America Great Again.” but that we may start by making America at least functional for everyone right now.   

By Kevin Robinson Executive Director of Accord1, Founder, Editor/Publisher of Three-Fifths Magazine

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