Who is an American?

Bridging the silos of a diverse cultural landscape: “I Wish This President Would Learn How to Be An American”  John Sununu appeared on CNN July 17, and apologized for his phrasing that he wished Obama, “would learn how to be an American.” But he didn’t back down from the general attack on Obama’s job creation … Continue reading

Are you a neighbor?

Accord1 Thanks this weeks guest blogger, Starlette McNeill for her insightful, defining look into the subject of reciprocity and our responsibility to our  neighbor i.e. Human Kind. This week Accord1 examines bridging  the silos of a diverse cultural landscape. ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE DAILY RACE BLOG   BY STARLETTE MCNEILL ⋅ JULY 18, 2012  “Solidarity challenges any tendency to establish a relational identity by identifying exclusively with … Continue reading

We were like those who dreamed

The American dream is much more than a dream of a dedicated landmass. It is an experiment, granted by our creator, based on an ideal that is deeply rooted in the unalienable birthrights of all men and women. In our nation of laws, however, a moral paradox exists concerning our dealings with the immigration dilemma. … Continue reading

Tsunami of Change: The Re-Coloring of America

Post origionally guest posted June 1rst on the Christian-Students-of-Conscience Blog Note by Robert Chao Romero Asian-Latino professor of Chican@ Studies and Asian American Studies at UCLA and a pastor:  The Census Bureau reported last month that 50.4 percent of all children born in the United States are now Latino, Asian, African American, or mixed-race!  In fact, minorities … Continue reading

Originally posted on On The Grind:
After the presentation, I tapped the speaker on the shoulder as he sat down in his seat.  The presentation was on cultural trends.  During his talk he mentioned how he was hindered by his “whiteness.”  He grew up in a middle class, lily-white suburb and knew very little of…

Originally posted on accord1:
There was a discovery channel documentary on the other day, showing the mission of the assault on Osama Ben Laden’s Compound. This involved months of preparation and was a very detailed as well as being a highly technological assignment that the navy seals carried out. This viewing brought about a great sense…